My vile friends,
I just got a new Windows 7 64-bit laptop and I've run into a serious
problem with the console version of vile 9.7. If I just open a
command prompt window, run "vile.exe @nul" to defeat my vile.rc,
vile opens normally. However if I exit vile with ":q<RET>" the
console hangs. The display still shows the vile screen text including
the status line and ": q" on the last line. Task manager shows that
vile.exe is no longer running. I then have to terminate the console
I admit I've been experiencing a related bug on Windows XP 32-bit for
quite some time but I could never find the time to investigate it and I
simply avoided the cirumstances that lead to it. Perhaps it can be
reproduced more easily than my Windows 7 issue: