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[vile] Quoted motion: (un)bounding of rectangular changes

From: Marc Simpson
Subject: [vile] Quoted motion: (un)bounding of rectangular changes
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 09:09:06 -0700

Problem: given the following buffer:

  abc def ghi
  jkl mno pqr
  stu vwx yz_

I'd like to replace the first column with the string 'replacement'
using a rectangular sweep.

First attempt (see PS for more info):


which yields:

  rep def ghi
  rep mno pqr
  rep vwx yz_

i.e., 'replacement' is truncated to fit within the selected rectangle.

Is there an analogue that expands the rectangular selection to
accommodate the full replacement?


PS: For some reason, 'e' moves one space further than expected, hence
the 'h'. As intended?

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