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Re: set bcolor to grey85?

From: Brendan O'Dea
Subject: Re: set bcolor to grey85?
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 16:36:31 +1100

On Sun, 15 Mar 2020 at 14:55, Steven Lembark <address@hidden> wrote:
> Catch: ";set bcolor grey85" (or "gray85") gives me nada, it won't
> take the argument. Similarly #f0f0f0 doesn't give me anything.

For vile in the terminal, colours are set with escape codes.
Historically most terminals supported a limited number (if any) of
colors, typically 8 or 16.  Terminal emulators such as xterm allow
Xresources to be used to set the values of these colours (see the
color0-color15 resources in the xterm manual page).

In vile, the command "show-colors" will show what those 16 colours
look like.  See also:

  /^Color basics


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