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ANN: vile-9.8x

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ANN: vile-9.8x
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2022 00:36:56 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <>
 created  Tue Dec 27 00:30:42 UTC 2022
 CHANGES                                            |   48 
 MANIFEST                                           |   20 
 README                                             |   18 
 README.PC                                          |    8 
 aclocal.m4                                         |  116 
 api.c                                              |    4 
 basic.c                                            |    6 
 bind.c                                             |   18 
 cmdtbl                                             |    6 
 config.guess                                       |   50 
 config.sub                                         |   22 
 configure                                          | 6063 +++++++++----------                                       |   49 
 curses.c                                           |   26 
 doc/macros.doc                                     |    6 
 doc/macros.html                                    |  109 
 doc/makefile                                       |    3 
 doc/vile-hlp.html                                  |  113 
 doc/vile-man.html                                  |  121 
 doc/vile-toc.html                                  |    5 
 edef.h                                             |    4 
 filters/vilefilt.l                                 |    6 
 input.c                                            |    9 
 install-sh                                         |  687 +-
 macros/uxvile                                      |    6 
 macros/vile-libdir-path                            |    8 
 macros/vile-pager                                  |   43 
 main.c                                             |   54 
 map.c                                              |   95 
 mktbls.c                                           |   34 
 modetbl                                            |    5 
 package/convile.nsi                                |    6 
 package/debian/changelog                           |    6 
 package/debian/control                             |   29 
 package/debian/rules                               |  261 
 package/debian/vile-common.examples                |    1 
 package/debian/vile-common.files                   |    5 
 package/debian/vile-filters.files                  |    8 
 package/debian/vile.postinst                       |    4 
 package/debian/vile.prerm                          |    4 
 package/debian/xvile.files                         |    3 
 package/freebsd/vile/Makefile                      |    6 
 package/freebsd/vile/distinfo                      |    6 
 package/freebsd/vile/pkg-plist                     |    6 
 package/freebsd/xvile/Makefile                     |    7 
 package/freebsd/xvile/distinfo                     |    6 
 package/freebsd/xvile/pkg-plist                    |    6 
 package/minvile.nsi                                |    6 
 package/pkgsrc/vile/Makefile                       |    9 
 package/pkgsrc/vile/PLIST                          |    8 
 package/pkgsrc/vile/distinfo                       |   10 
 package/pkgsrc/xvile/Makefile                      |    9 
 package/pkgsrc/xvile/PLIST                         |    8 
 package/vile.spec                                  |   11 
 package/winvile.iss                                |    4 
 package/winvile.nsi                                |    6 
 patchlev.h                                         |    4 
 proto.h                                            |    8 
 revlist                                            |  155 
 statevar.c                                         |   14 
 tcap.c                                             |   16 
 trace.c                                            |    4 
 vile-9.8x/icons/pumpkin.ico                        |binary
 vile-9.8x/icons/sink.ico                           |binary
 vile-9.8x/icons/vile-mini.ico                      |binary
 vile-9.8x/icons/vile.ico                           |binary
 vile-9.8x/package/debian/vile-common.README.Debian |   11 
 vile-9.8x/package/openbsd/Makefile                 |   26 
 vile-9.8x/package/openbsd/distinfo                 |    2 
 vile-9.8x/package/openbsd/patches/patch-crypt      |   72 
 vile-9.8x/package/openbsd/pkg/DESCR                |    9 
 vile-9.8x/package/openbsd/pkg/PLIST                |  138 
 vile.1                                             |   12 
 vile.hlp                                           |   98 
 w32cmd.c                                           |    6 
 w32info.rc                                         |   12 
 w32oo.cpp                                          |    3 
 w32vile.h                                          |    4 
 window.c                                           |    4 
 79 files changed, 4798 insertions(+), 3997 deletions(-)
 Please remove the following files before applying this patch.
 (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)

rm -f doc/vile-man.sed
rm -f package/debian/README.Debian
rm -f package/debian/compat
rm -f package/debian/vile-common.manpages

 20221226 (x)
        > Tom Dickey:
        + trim some obsolete comments about OpenLook from the help-file.
        + update Debian test-package, based on Brendan's package.
        + drop ftp URLs from documentation.
        + document short usage message "-?" option in manpage.
        + make the new mapping feature a mode: "mini-map".
        + modify command- and minibuffer-mapping to allow for a ":map" command
          to map a Unicode value past 255 into an ASCII byte (report by Yuriy)
        + amend change in filters/vilefilt.l for Coverity warning (cf: 9.8w)
        + add $look-in-cwd, $look-in-home variables to allow override of macro
          search path.
        + improve icons for WinVile:
          + generate ".ico" files using Inkscape to convert the ".svg" files to
            512x512 ".png" file, and then ImageMagick to convert those into
            multi-image icons.  This includes a 256x256 32-bit color image, for
            Windows' "Large" icons.
          + change the default directory for the winvile ".iss" installers to
            use "-" rather than " " in the directory name.  This works around
            two of the bugs seen with Windows 10: if the pathname used for the
            icon (i.e., the ".exe" file) contains blanks, Windows 10 shows only
            the lowest-resolution image for "Medium" icons.  It also ignores
            the largest image.
        + update URLs in help-file, adding /archives on main site.
        + re-use the configure check for -rdynamic to replace -export-dynamic
          in the --enable-plugins configure option (Savannah #62785).
        + use setgroups() to clear supplementary group-IDs when resetting
          uid/gid values.
        + when retrieving a "'" mark, it may not have been set.  For that case,
          use the first-line and first-column of the current buffer (report by
        + modify vile-pager to decompress the input file if it is compressed.
        + clean up shellcheck warnings in non-configure scripts.
        + modify configure script to "always" check for gcc attributes, working
          around spurious warnings reported by packagers (Gentoo #880941).
        + update configure script to work around regression in grep 3.8
        + add configure check for exit_curses(), exit_terminfo(), use in
        + improve configure check for crypt(), non-working with OpenBSD
        + update package/freebsd/*
        + update package/pkgsrc/*
        + add package/openbsd/*
        + fix a few compiler-warnings.
        + update install-sh
        + update config.guess, config.sub

Thomas E. Dickey <>

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