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Re: [Vrs-development] Distributed Filesystem

From: Ian Fung
Subject: Re: [Vrs-development] Distributed Filesystem
Date: 12 Jul 2002 15:26:13 -0500

> I already have an auth-group meeting at -- I think -- 18:30UTC Sunday 
> the 18th.  If we could do it around then that'd be great for me, 
> since I'll probably be away from the computer for much of the rest of 
> the weekend.  How does that sound?  How about irc.openprojects.net, 
> channel #dotgnu-vrs?

18:30UTC.. that's like 1:30pm EST right? i think soo.. ya i can do that.
actually. i am sort of also interested in the auth project. just havent
gotten around to reading about that yet. what channel is it in?
#dotgnu-auth? well i'll be contacting you on irc then. i'm alias on irc
btw. so msg me or something. if chris doesnt make it, then we can just
draft something up without him.



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