For some professional reasons, I have been away from MP games and
development for most of the last two months. Now that I'm back and
have some free time on my hands, I realize that I enjoy Wesnoth a lot
As a consequence, I don't feel compelled anymore to fix its many bugs;
I don't even feel like accompanying the project till 1.0 is out. It's
time for me to turn the page and go back to the other projects I have
set aside for too long.
Please strip me from forum moderation, so that there is no
misunderstanding. And as of now, I'm no more subscribed to any of the
four Wesnoth mailing-lists I was a member of.
This last year hacking Wesnoth was a lot of fun. Many thanks. And good
luck for the release 1.0 of Wesnoth. I hope it will be welcome as the
best free TBS ever.
Wesnoth-dev mailing list