> Hi Thiago and others,
> Consta no registro T08561 do Livro da Grande Teia que
Thiago, em
> 08/10/12 escreveu o seguinte:
>> Ok, I can do this job and be the manager. Would you
mind to give me
>> some hours to check out the tasks and give you a
precise return to
>> you? I would like to write too a sheet, with
pending and urgent
>> translations, so you can figure out in what we are
doing and what
>> expect from us. We should keep in touch.
> Sorry for the late answer. I saw this thread just now.
I'm a former
> colaborator of the project and I'm here to help too,
> We have a wiki where we were organizing our job. Were
you using it? The
> address is:
> If you have any problem with it, please tell me.
> Regards,
> Frederico
Hello Frederico, Rafael was the one who take care of it; so, I
think we