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Re: [www-pt-br-general] [gnu.org #774219] Rafael Beraldo is not respondi

From: Thiago
Subject: Re: [www-pt-br-general] [gnu.org #774219] Rafael Beraldo is not responding
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 20:39:02 -0300
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Em 08-10-2012 12:37, Rafael Beraldo escreveu:

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Thiago <address@hidden> wrote:
Em 08-10-2012 10:38, Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes escreveu:
> Hi Thiago and others,
> Consta no registro T08561 do Livro da Grande Teia que Thiago, em
> 08/10/12 escreveu o seguinte:
>> Ok, I can do this job and be the manager. Would you mind to give me
>> some hours to check out the tasks and give you a precise return to
>> you? I would like to write too a sheet, with pending and urgent
>> translations, so you can figure out in what we are doing and what
>> expect from us. We should keep in touch.
> Sorry for the late answer. I saw this thread just now. I'm a former
> colaborator of the project and I'm here to help too, ok?
> We have a wiki where we were organizing our job. Were you using it? The
> address is:
> http://projetos.teia.bio.br/doku.php?id=gnu:principal
> If you have any problem with it, please tell me.
> Regards,
> Frederico
Hello Frederico, Rafael was the one who take care of it; so, I think we
should reanalyze the priorities and set new tasks - I wonder there are a
lot of important papers by Stallman untranslated. We would take a first
look at that by accessing the gnu main site in english and then checking
the material.
First of all, we should designate the functions of the members,
managing, and the priorities. So, what is your idea? Who's in?


The main priorities [0] are set by the gnu.org translation coordinators. I build that
table based on that list. I believe it is wise to follow their recommendations and after
finishing that, we can come up with our own set of priorities.

Personally, I would like to focus on the education-related articles once we finish the
main priorities.

[0]: http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/translations/priorities.html
Rafael Beraldo
Nice, let's try to reorganize ourselves and do it.


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