Segue resumo de 2020 da coordenação do projeto de tradução do GNU Web, para conhecimento.
Dear GNU translators!
This year, the total number of new translations was more than
in 2019. The Turkish team made an impressive progress, both
in terms of new translations and in terms of updating the existing
ones. Other notably good teams are Chinese ("Simplified"),
Spanish and French. The Japanese team considerably reduced
the amount of outdated translations throughout the year.
General Statistics
In October, we reached new maximum values of translations per file
in important directories, 8.93 translations per file
and 8.24 translations weighted with size of articles, 0.2 more
than in 2019. The percent of outdated translations was as low
as in 2019.
The table below shows the number and size of newly translated
articles and the translations to convert to the PO format
in important directories (as of 2020-12-31).
+--team--+------new-------+---to convert---+-*-outdated-+
| cs | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 32 (66%) |
| es | 20 (256.4Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 1.2 (0.6%) |
| fa | 1 ( 12.4Ki) | 1 ( 9.4Ki) | 24 (89%) |
| fr | 12 (101.4Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0.3 (0.1%) |
| it | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 50 (38%) |
| ja | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 25 (17%) |
| ml | 2 ( 27.3Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 14 (47%) |
| pl | 1 ( 11.3Ki) | 1 (181.0Ki) | 48 (33%) |
| pt-br | 4 ( 18.9Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 6.2 (4%) |
| ru | 4 ( 32.1Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 1.1 (0.4%) |
| sq | 8 ( 69.7Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 1.7 (5%) |
| tr | 57 (662.3Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0.6 (1.1%) |
| zh-cn | 36 (425.8Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 1.8 (1.3%) |
| zh-tw | 5 ( 41.2Ki) | 16 (232.6Ki) | 4.8 (15%) |
| total | 150 (1658.9Ki) | 68 (1763.3Ki) |
* Typical number of outdated GNUNified translations.
For the reference: 13 new articles were added, amounting to 105Ki,
and there were 600 modifications in 150 English files in important
Few translations were converted to the gettext format, so that
column is missing this year; perhaps we should consider
decommissioning the unconverted translations, starting
with languages having no active team.
Orphaned Teams, New and Reformed Teams
No orphaned teams this year. The Czech team renewed its activities.
The Turkish team was finally re-established with T. E. Kalaycı
as its co-ordinator. Volunteers offered help with Georgian, Arabic,
Urdu, Sindhi, Hindi, but their attempts didn't succeed.
Changes in the Page Regeneration System
GNUN 1.0 was released this year, a minor release with a few
backward-incompatible changes and some bug fixes.
Happy GNU year, and thank you for your contributions!
(I see nothing secret in this message, so if you think it may be
interesting to people who are not subscribed to the list, please
feel free to forward it).