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Re: [Xlog-discussion] xlog 0.6 release candidate 2

From: Stephane Fillod
Subject: Re: [Xlog-discussion] xlog 0.6 release candidate 2
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 00:08:22 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

Hi Joop!

I still don't use the logging extensively, but I've tested the hamlib
extension. Some rigs lacks some features (in ic706's case, the  rig_get_ptt), 
that's why I've attached a little patch to avoid the message in the status
Also, it would be better to store the rig number id instead of its name.
Except for preferences, loading all the backends wastes memory, and make
things slower at startup. I'll come up with a patch for the 0.7 if you'd
like to.

Dialog appears ok when a log is changed and you want to close it.

"Merci à Jean-Luc F5IBH pour la traduction."

To be added to the wishlist:
* In the same idea of the Ctrl-Y/right click+"Clear all", would it be
possible to have a "Fill in all" to fill in all the Date, GMT, MHZ, Mode,
TX(RST) fields at once?

Keep on the good work!
We're gonna have our ultimate logging application!

 Stephane F8CFE

Attachment: navail.patch
Description: Text document

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