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Re: [Yafray-devel] Fork-fix/command-line patch

From: Steve Smith
Subject: Re: [Yafray-devel] Fork-fix/command-line patch
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 09:44:23 +1100

On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 19:18, Alejandro Conty Estevez wrote:
> If the patch works ok, or at least compiles ok, I'll merge it, no prob.
> Will check as soon as possible.

Cool, thanks.

> For the MPI version meybe is better to keep a separate tree, since it
> involves polluting too much code, right?  We can put a cvs repository
> for that and info in the main site if you like. 

Actually it should only be a case of adding a couple of files and
tweaking the makefile and configure scripts.  The way I've done the
mono/fork/thread stuff is to use inheritance to keep a clear separation
of the functionality.  With the latest patch the inheritance tree looks

                             scene_t (mono)
                       |            |
                   forkscene_t     threadscene_t

With the MPI stuff it will probably look more like:

                             scene_t (mono)
                |                   |
              multiproc_t (abstract)     threadscene_t
|                  |                    
forkscene_t        mpiscene_t                   

(Hopefully these diagrams work)

multiproc_t contains common functionality (the actually child worker
code), while the descendants override the communication functions (ie.
what is currently in ipc.cc will go into forkscene_t, MPI specific stuff
will go into mpiscene_t.

Anyway, I'll work on the principle that the existing patch will go in
and produce a proof-of-concept of the MPI stuff and see how you feel
about including it.


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