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Re: [Yafray-devel] Little Speed Optimization Patch

From: Alfredo de Greef
Subject: Re: [Yafray-devel] Little Speed Optimization Patch
Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 20:01:55 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks, this is code probably best looked at by Jandro
himself, but since he is seemingly still not able to
do any coding, and I guess probably also still doesn't
have net access, and since also the next release is
going to be the final release, I guess it is ok if I
just add it to current cvs. I'll have to do it by hand
though, since some code has changed now but still not

As for the refactorization, apart from the 'fry'
module in cvs, which I guess you can call 'concept'
code, there are only the docs in the Blenderwiki here:

Maybe Jandro has done more code without anyone else
yet knowing about it, but he can only tell that

Also, I didn't know this mailing list was still in
use, it might be better to post on the yafray forum
itself. There are also yafray mailing lists on
projects.blender.org but they don't seem to be in use.

Thanks for your contribution!

Alfredo 'Eeshlo' de Greef

--- Alex Klein <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I've just started reading through the code and in
> order to understand it 
> I thought I try to profile and optimize it. Here's a
> little patch to 
> improve the performance a bit, about 7% on a small
> test scene I used. 
> For now I just restricted myself to reorganizing the
> photonLight_t::illuminate(...) method. Here is what
> I did:
> -added some const operators here and there (makes
> life easier for the 
> compiler to optimize the code)
> -moved some computations such that they are executed
> just before they 
> are needed (lazy evaluation, better
> caching/optimization)
> -set the vector to K elements at the beginning. This
> should completely 
> avoids reallocations
> -reduce number of vector push/pop operations used
> -replaced sqrt call by a compile-time constant
> In addition, there are a few const operators in
> other files to make 
> optimization easier for the compiler.
> The speed gain is not great, but hey, its free as
> the new version should 
> (and does in my test case ... maybe someone should
> use another scene to 
> test it just to be sure) produce the same results as
> the old one.
> By the way, how far along is the refactorization?
> Does it make sense for 
> me to read through the code, suggest some further
> improvements and start 
> writing some doxygen comments in it? By the way, are
> you planning on 
> using doxygen? There is a conf-file in the CVS but
> there are hardly any 
> doxy-comments in the source...
> Cheers
> AlexK
> P.S.: Hope the patch is in the right format, first
> time I've ever 
> submitted a patch to an open source project... :)

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