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Re: [Yafray-devel] CVS connection timed out

From: Gustavo Pichorim Boiko
Subject: Re: [Yafray-devel] CVS connection timed out
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 11:33:34 -0300
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7


Em Tuesday 02 October 2007 11:23:08 Kenneth Venken escreveu:
> Hello,
> Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Kenneth Venken a Computer
> Science student from Belgium. (University of Hasselt) I've been willing
> to join an opensource project for some time now. I'm interested in Ray
> Tracing and I would like to contribute to this project. Perhaps add a
> feature and write a Master Thesis about it. (or something like that)

I am doing a master course on computer graphics, and I'm also planning to work 
on yafray for my dissertation.

I was at first going to use the yaf(a)ray rework as a start point, but I've 
got no answer from the author of that rework, and I saw many messed up code 
on that (like including likes using MS-dos line ending and so on), and then I 
decided to work on the traditional yafray.

> Anyway, first things first, getting the source and compiling it.
> This is how far i get:
> cvs -d:pserver:address@hidden:/cvsroot/yafray login
> Logging in to :pserver:address@hidden:2401/cvsroot/yafray
> CVS password:
> cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.blender.org(
> failed: Connection timed out
> Is the server down/busy? Or am i doing something wrong.

It seems blender does not have a cvs server anymore, but yafray was imported 
into blender SVN server:
   svn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/yafray/trunk yafray

I haven't yet started to work on yafray, but I'm planning to, and maybe we can 
join efforts on understanding it and adding new features.

Gustavo Pichorim Boiko
KDE Developer      www.kde.org
Mandriva Labs      www.mandriva.com

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