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Re: [lzip-bug] Lzip configure and Makefile patch

From: Matias Fonzo
Subject: Re: [lzip-bug] Lzip configure and Makefile patch
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 22:45:18 -0300
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.8

Hello.  :-)

El 2020-03-31 21:42, Antonio Diaz Diaz escribió:
Jeffrey Walton wrote:
Second, variables like "${option}" was quoted due to Shellcheck findings.
Applied, thanks. This one is interesting. It seems to work as is
(without the patch), and the configure script of GNU make 4.3 uses it
unquoted in some places as lzip does.
It works because it is iterating over the positional parameters, taking 
the argument of the first positional parameter ($1) and shuffling it.  
This way there is nothing expanding, as long as you pass --prefix=/usr 
or things like --option="1 2 3"...
But better safe than sorry.
Yeah.  :-)

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