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Re: [Anarchdb-devel] Alive

From: Luiz Mello
Subject: Re: [Anarchdb-devel] Alive
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 08:37:33 -0200

Hi, there--

First of all, sorry for taking a while to answer. It's been a busy 10-15 days at work and I have been out most of the time.

I have subscribed the new ARDB Google Groups (under my RGTCJ nickname "Clément" and my lcmello.listas[arroba] e-mail acount - for some reason, I have never been allowed to use my GMail address for my Google account).

I'll try to bring myself up to date ASAP on discussions already posted and move on from there.

See you on Google Groups.


Luiz Mello

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