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[Aspell-user] aspell6-hu-

From: Sandor Miskey
Subject: [Aspell-user] aspell6-hu-
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 17:53:07 +0100

Dear Aspell users,

I am having problems that have come up while installing and trying to
use aspell- with aspell6-hu- on SUSE LINUX PRO 9.2.

After installation as long as I have the default "repl-table hu_affix.dat"
line in /usr/local/lib/aspell/hu.dat, the "aspell -d hu -c Teszt.txt"
command hangs at the very first misspelled word with 100% CPU utilization.

If I remove that line I get the following session. The error occurs
at that certain word on every running.


address@hidden:~/Desktop> cat Teszt.txt
egy ketto harom negy ot
hat het nyolc kilenc tiz

address@hidden:~/Desktop> aspell -v
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell

address@hidden:~/Desktop> aspell dump dicts

address@hidden:~/Desktop> aspell -d hu -c Teszt.txt
egy *ketto* harom negy ot
1) kett*                                2) ketté                               
i) Ignore                               I) Ignore all                          
r) Replace                              R) Replace all                         
a) Add                                  l) Add Lower                           
b) Abort                                x) Exit                                
? 1
egy kett* *harom* negy ot
1) Haróm                                6) harim                               
2) három                                7) hatom                               
3) Harcom                               8) iharom                              
4) harcom                               9) ha-om                               
5) Harim                                0) Hajom                               
i) Ignore                               I) Ignore all                          
r) Replace                              R) Replace all                         
a) Add                                  l) Add Lower                           
b) Abort                                x) Exit                                
? 2
egy kett* három *negy* ot
aspell: modules/speller/default/suggest.cpp:519: void 
aspeller::Dict* const*, std::vector<const aspeller::Dict*, std::allocator<const 
aspeller::Dict*> > >, const aspeller::WordEntry&, const char*, int, int, bool): 
Assertion `w.word_size == strlen(w.word)' failed.

address@hidden:~/Desktop> cat /etc/usr/local/lib/apspell-0.60/hu.dat 
name hu
charset iso-8859-2
affix hu
affix-compress true
special - -**


Thank you very much in advance for any suggestion. My best regards,

Sandor Miskey

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