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[Aspell-user] aspell pipe, count offset meaning?

From: Omar Baqueiro
Subject: [Aspell-user] aspell pipe, count offset meaning?
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 14:36:19 +0000

Hello, I am trying to use aspell with the pipe (-a) option but I can
not get the meaning of the "count" or "offset" numbers that are shown
after a mispelled word in the aspell output.

I made a quick google and looked through ispell and aspell docs but
could not find the meaning of those. I presume that the count and
offset are numbers related to a position in the file to locate the
mispelled word but I can not see how to use them to locate it.

So, could someone point me to a place or tell me what is the meaning
/use of the "count" and "offset" numbers that are provied in the
output of the "aspell -a" command?

, I would appreciate a lot if you can reply to my mail as I am not
suscribed to the list.
Thank you!


Omar Baqueiro Espinosa
Computer Science PhD Candidate
Computer Systems Engineer
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