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Re: [AUCTeX] preview-latex 0.9.1 released

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] preview-latex 0.9.1 released
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 12:22:26 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

* Adam Johnson (2005-04-03) writes:

> However, when I use:
> It produced the following error information:

> Invalid face attribute font-latex-math-face font-latex-sedate-face
> Invalid face attribute font-latex-math-face font-latex-superscript-face

I've never seen such error messages before.  Why does it want to set a
`font-latex-math-face' attribute?  Did you customize some of the faces
defined by font-latex?  Can you provide a minimal example file
exhibiting the problem?

> mwheel-scroll: End of buffer [2 times]
> Type `C-c C-l' to display results of compilation.
> locating previews...
> Type `C-c C-l' to display results of compilation.
> error in process sentinel: preview-reraise-error: End of Preview snippet 367 
> unexpected
> error in process sentinel: End of Preview snippet 367 unexpected

Again, can you provide a minimal example file exhiniting the problem?

> BTW: I'm using AUCTeX 11.55
>                          preview-latex 0.9.1
>                          MikTeX 2.4
>                          CVS Emacs
>                          Windows XP.

Please use `M-x TeX-submit-bug-report RET' or `M-x preview-report-bug
RET' for reporting bugs about AUCTeX or preview-latex respectively.
For the problem at hand the preview-latex command would be
appropriate.  And it has the advantage that you will already be
presented with the correct email address for bug reporting.


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