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Re: [AUCTeX] How to use the font changing command C-c C-f

From: Torben Knudsen
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] How to use the font changing command C-c C-f
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:49:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Angeli <address@hidden> writes:

Ralf> * Torben Knudsen (2008-02-04) writes:
>>>>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Angeli <address@hidden> writes:
Ralf> What happens if you type M-: (TeX-font nil ?\C-e) <RET> ?
>>  I get "\emph{}" and nil in the echo area!

Ralf> This means the binding is defined.  Then my guess is the same as
Ralf> what Joost assumed in an earlier reply to you, namely that you
Ralf> did not use the correct key binding.

Ralf> Please try this: Hold down <Ctrl> and while keeping it pressed,
Ralf> type `c f e' (without the quotation marks).  Release <Ctrl> only
Ralf> after you typed all three letters.

This was what I started with.  It gives me the following in a seperate
buffer with the name *help*

Font list:   KEY        TEXTFONT           MATHFONT

             C-a                          \mathcal{ }  
             C-b        \textbf{ }         \mathbf{ }  
             C-c        \textsc{ }                     
             C-e          \emph{ }                     
             C-f        \textsf{ }         \mathsf{ }  
             TAB        \textit{ }         \mathit{ }  
             RET        \textmd{ }                     
             C-n    \textnormal{ }     \mathnormal{ }  
             C-r        \textrm{ }         \mathrm{ }  
             C-s        \textsl{ }                     
             C-t        \texttt{ }         \mathtt{ }  
             C-u        \textup{ }                     
             C-d  -- delete font

Also C-h k C-c C-f gives:

C-c C-f runs the command TeX-font
   which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `tex'.

Insert template for font change command.
If REPLACE is not nil, replace current font.  WHAT determines the font
to use, as specified by `TeX-font-list'.
Associate Prof. Ph.D Torben Knudsen     Mobile  : (+45) 2787 9826
Section of Automation and Control,      Email   : address@hidden   
Department of Electronic Systems,       
Aalborg University 
Fredrik Bajersvej 7 
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø

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