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[AUCTeX] Viewing problems!

From: gerald . jean
Subject: [AUCTeX] Viewing problems!
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 11:59:33 -0400


I use auctex quite extensively but I am always having 2 problems:

1) When viewing a document (C-cC-c) auctex guesses wrong what I want to do
95% of the time.  I know it is trying to be smart and start Ghostscript if
there is embedded graphics in my document but it does anyhow, even for a
very simple document with just a little bit of text I do get:

dvips myfile.dvi -o && gv

What I would like to have 100% of the time (I'll manually take care of the
5% time this won't be appropriate), when viewing a document is:

xdvi -paper us myfile.dvi

Without the "-paper us" argument, xdvi won't even start on my machine,
RedHat Linux.  And of course the appropriate arguments when "source
specials" are activated, next problem!

2) Source specials never work for me, they did in the past but not anymore,
not sure if it is from an Emacs upgrade or an auctex upgrade.  To activate
them I do:


auctex echoes in the mini-buffer that "Tex-Source-Correlate mode enabled".

Then next time I start View (C-cC-c) I am asked "Start Emacs server for
inverse search in viewer? (y or n)".  Of course I reply "y".

Then I go in the viewer and if I try to get back into Emacs from the viewer
(C-mouse1) the viewer tells me
"No source specials in this .dvi file - couldn't do reverse search"

It never works!!!

Emacs 23.2, auctex 11.86

Thanks for any support,

Gérald Jean
Conseiller senior en statistiques,
VP Actuariat et Solutions d'assurances,
Desjardins Groupe d'Assurances Générales
télephone            : (418) 835-4900 poste (7639)
télecopieur          : (418) 835-6657
courrier électronique: address@hidden

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W. Edwards Deming

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