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[avr-chat] AVR Documentation

From: Colin O'Flynn
Subject: [avr-chat] AVR Documentation
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 15:12:52 -0300
User-agent: KMail/1.8.2


AVRFreaks has a new Wiki - would it be reasonable to use that as a central 
point of avr-gcc related documenation?

I ask as for a while I've been working on a "guide" to the avr-gcc toolchain. 
There actually isn't too much yet, don't get excited ;-)

However this would just be another document floating around, with the source 
doc somewhere (it's written in openoffice right now). Having it in a Wiki 
might make it be a little more up to date, since it's very easy for other 
people to change it.

Before commiting time to moving the stuff into the Wiki though, I wanted to 
see if the avr-gcc community would use the wiki?



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