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[avr-chat] extreme slowness debugging with avarice + avr-gdb + mega32 +

From: Britton Kerin
Subject: [avr-chat] extreme slowness debugging with avarice + avr-gdb + mega32 + dragon?
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 21:59:32 -0800

I'm talking about 15 seconds per line of code in main (line like 'n =
42;').  Printing things out is pretty responsive (p n is almost

I'm trying to run simple test code under debugger (trivial code at

I have dragon and a mega32 wired straight to it as per dragon docs. 
Then I
compile and write to flash:

     rhino$ make
     avr-gcc -I.  -gstabs -mmcu=atmega32 -O0 -fpack-struct -fshort-enums
     -funsigned-bitfields -funsigned-char -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
     -Wa,-ahlms=main.lst -c main.c -o main.o
     avr-gcc -Wl,-Map,test.out.map -mmcu=atmega32 -lm  -o test.out
     rhino$ su
     address@hidden:/home/bkerin/projects/intermeter/code/uc_embedded# make
     avr-objcopy -j .text                    \
                     -j .data                       \
                -O ihex test.out test.hex
     avr-objcopy -j .eeprom                  \
                     --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 \
                     -O ihex test.out test.ee.hex
     ~bkerin/local/bin/avrdude -c dragon_jtag   \
         -p m32 -P usb -e        \
         -U flash:w:test.hex

     avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
     Reading | ################################################## | 100%
     avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9502
     avrdude: erasing chip
     avrdude: reading input file "test.hex"
     avrdude: input file test.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
     avrdude: writing flash (264 bytes):
     Writing | ################################################## | 100%
     avrdude: 264 bytes of flash written
     avrdude: verifying flash memory against test.hex:
     avrdude: load data flash data from input file test.hex:
     avrdude: input file test.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
     avrdude: input file test.hex contains 264 bytes
     avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:
     Reading | ################################################## | 100%

     avrdude: verifying ...
     avrdude: 264 bytes of flash verified
     avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

     avrdude done.  Thank you.
Then I start avarice:

     address@hidden:/home/bkerin# ~bkerin/local/bin/avarice-2.6 --dragon
     --jtag usb --jtag-bitrate 125 :4242
     AVaRICE version 2.6, Sep 10 2007 15:25:18
     JTAG config starting.
     Found a device: AVRDRAGON
     Serial number:  00:a2:00:00:33:5a
     Reported JTAG device ID: 0x9502
     Configured for device ID: 0x9502 atmega32
     JTAG config complete.
     Preparing the target device for On Chip Debugging.
     Disabling lock bits:
       LockBits -> 0xff
     Enabling on-chip debugging:
       Extended Fuse byte -> 0xe1
           High Fuse byte -> 0x19
            Low Fuse byte -> 0xe1
     Waiting for connection on port 4242.
I'm using the internal oscillator so I have tried a nice low bitrate.
Now I run avr-gdb:

     (gdb) target remote localhost:4242
     Remote debugging using localhost:4242
     0x00000000 in __vectors ()

Avarice reports the connection:

     Connection opened by host, port 48357.

I think all this looks good.  The trouble is that executing a single
line seems to take about 15 seconds.  Is this normal?  If not, any
ideas what might be wrong?

Here is the C code:
static int other_func (int arg);

     main (void)
       int test_int = 42;
       test_int *= 2;
       int k = 4;
       k = test_int + 2;
       other_func (test_int);
       return 0;
     static int
     other_func (int arg)
       int kaboom = arg * 2;
       return kaboom;

Britton Kerin

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