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[avr-gcc-list] A couple of optimizer suggestions

From: Brian Dean
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] A couple of optimizer suggestions
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 00:21:27 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/

Let me preface that I don't really know the internals of gcc that well
so I don't know the relative difficulty of implementing the following
optimizations.  What follows are a few suggestions that came to my
attention on another list.  Given a simple bit of code such as:

  uint8_t i = PORTB;
  PORTB = 0xF0;
  PORTB = 0x0F;
  PORTB = i;

Compiling with -O2, gcc produces:

  26:hw.c          **** SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE0)
  27:hw.c          **** {
  89                    .LM5:
  90                    /* prologue: frame size=0 */
  91 001c 1F92                  push __zero_reg__
  92 001e 0F92                  push __tmp_reg__
  93 0020 0FB6                  in __tmp_reg__,__SREG__
  94 0022 0F92                  push __tmp_reg__
  95 0024 1124                  clr __zero_reg__
  96 0026 8F93                  push r24
  97 0028 9F93                  push r25
  98                    /* prologue end (size=7) */
  28:hw.c          ****   uint8_t i = PORTB;
 100                    .LM6:
 101 002a 88B3                  in r24,56-0x20
  29:hw.c          ****   PORTB = 0xF0;
 103                    .LM7:
 104 002c 90EF                  ldi r25,lo8(-16)
 105 002e 98BB                  out 56-0x20,r25
  30:hw.c          ****   PORTB = 0x0F;
 107                    .LM8:
 108 0030 9FE0                  ldi r25,lo8(15)
 109 0032 98BB                  out 56-0x20,r25
  31:hw.c          ****   PORTB = i;
 111                    .LM9:
 112 0034 88BB                  out 56-0x20,r24
 113                    /* epilogue: frame size=0 */
 114 0036 9F91                  pop r25
 115 0038 8F91                  pop r24
 116 003a 0F90                  pop __tmp_reg__
 117 003c 0FBE                  out __SREG__,__tmp_reg__
 118 003e 0F90                  pop __tmp_reg__
 119 0040 1F90                  pop __zero_reg__
 120 0042 1895                  reti
 121                    /* epilogue end (size=7) */
 122                    /* function __vector_15 size 20 (6) */

With that same snippet of code, the IAR compiler produces:

     51          __interrupt void handler()
   \                     handler:
     52          {
   \   00000000   931A                       ST      -Y,R17
   \   00000002   930A                       ST      -Y,R16
     53            BYTE i = PORTB;
   \   00000004   B318                       IN      R17,0x18
     54            PORTB = 0xF0;
   \   00000006   EF00                       LDI     R16,240
   \   00000008   BB08                       OUT     0x18,R16
     55            PORTB = 0x0F;
   \   0000000A   E00F                       LDI     R16,15
   \   0000000C   BB08                       OUT     0x18,R16
     56            PORTB = i;
   \   0000000E   BB18                       OUT     0x18,R17
     57          }
   \   00000010   9109                       LD      R16,Y+
   \   00000012   9119                       LD      R17,Y+
   \   00000014   9518                       RETI

The body of the handler looks very similar; there's not much to
improve on there.  But check the prologue and the epilogue.  Note a
couple of additional optimizations are possible that IAR takes
advantage of.  Namely, registers that are not used are not pushed.
Note that GCC pushes __zero_reg__ and __tmp_reg__, neither of which
are (need to be) used (OK, __tmp_reg__ is used but it doesn't need to
be - see the next sentence).  The second thing is that none of the
instructions in the interrupt handler actually changes the status
register, thus IAR doesn't push it either.  The result is that IAR
gets a smaller and tighter interrupt handler.

It'd be really cool if the GCC optimizer could do that too :-)

Brian Dean
BDMICRO - ATmega128 Based MAVRIC Controllers

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