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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Don't use gcc 3.4.4, use 4.0.1

From: Andy Warner
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Don't use gcc 3.4.4, use 4.0.1
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:39:06 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

E. Weddington wrote:
> [...]
> I'd like some other issues in GCC 4.x to be cleaned up for the AVR port 
> before including it in WinAVR, especially DWARF2 issues. Here is a list 
> of known AVR GCC bugs:
> <http://rtems.org/phpwiki/index.php/GCCAVRBugs>

As a Linux-hosted user, is 4.0.1 stable enough for me to spend
some time getting to know it ? I'm running 3.4.3 right now, and
am very happy with it - but smaller/faster code is always welcome.
I'm cool building it all from source.

Andy Warner             Voice: (612) 801-8549   Fax: (208) 575-5634

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