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Re: [avr-gcc-list] eicall & EIND

From: Tristan Gingold
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] eicall & EIND
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:27:14 +0200

On Jul 2, 2008, at 11:14 AM, Dusan Ferbas wrote:

Hi Tristan,

I noticed a notice about eicall support.
(2008-06-26 Tristan Gingold <address@hidden> Add support for avr6 instructions: eijmp, eicall)

Can you point me to some link/resource/advice ?

This is a patch for avrtest (not yet committed) - and avrtest doesn't support bootloader.

I have not fully followed your issue. But from what I understand gcc can't generate code
for 256x bootloader.

Will there be a new winavr/avr-gcc release ?

I can't answer this one because I am not the release manager.




Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 13:14:12 +0200
To: address@hidden
From: Dusan Ferbas <address@hidden>
Cc: Andy H <address@hidden>
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] eicall & EIND

Hi guys,

we have 2 issues with eicall instruction on ATmega2561 platform.

1st is, that a call to a constant bootloader (BL) location is compiled with eicall instruction without setting EIND register. 2nd is, that in BL area, indexed call /that is compiled with eicall/ seems not to work, when used from application area.
We tried both WinAVR-20071221 and WinAVR-20080610.

I noticed, that even on ATmega128, call was compiled with all unused PC bits set to 1.
Does it mean, that we should set all "1"s in EIND ?

ad 1) same c code works on ATmega128
ATmega128 way:
typedef int boot_loader_send(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, short);
#define boot_loader_data_send ((boot_loader_send*) 0x3F80A)

rslt = boot_loader_data_send(workbuf, buf, len);
(compiled with simple call)

2561 solution
- code for 128 generates eicall
- using a static inline wrap function with asm call
- it is optimized (arguments are not used, so they are not prepared in registers) - preparing registers in a "called" rtn did not work (however i believe that is nearly the same as a next working case) - finally we created a rtn in an external .c module (see code with asm jmp below)
-> anyone knows an easier way ?

ad 2) works from BL area, does not from an application
following is called both from BL when XMODEM is used over a UART and also from an application
it works from BL, but does not, when called from an application
- when indexed call was replaced with a list of calls in switch-case, it works (but we do not fit in BL area :-) )

         BootInfoHeader->fn[0] = FlashPage;
         BootInfoHeader->fn[1] = EEprom_write_page;
        unsigned char eind_local = EIND;
EIND = 0x3F800 >> (16 + 1); //highest bit of LoadAddr (for ATmega2561 == 1, because in words) BootInfoHeader->fn[section_id](address, (unsigned short *) p_received_data, pagesize);
        EIND = eind_local;

code for ad 1) case
int boot_loader_data_send(unsigned char *p_WorkBuffer, unsigned char *received_data_p, unsigned short data_length)
         p_WorkBuffer = p_WorkBuffer;
         received_data_p = received_data_p;
         data_length = data_length;

//      int      rslt;

//      asm volatile (  "movw r20,%3" "\n\t"
//                                          "movw r22,%2" "\n\t"
//                                          "movw r24,%1" "\n\t"
//                                          "call 0x3F00A" "\n\t"
//                                          "movw %0,r24" :
//                                          "=r" (rslt) :
//                                          "r" (p_WorkBuffer),
//                                          "r" (received_data_p),
//                                          "r" (data_length));

        asm volatile ("jmp 0x3F00A");

//      return rslt;

At 02:27 4.6.2008, Andy H wrote:
I cant answer your question fully. ...

Anatoly is adding support for 256 on version gcc 4.3 and gcc 4.4. He or Eric may provide you a better way to do call. (Even if it needs asm /macro wrapper)

Dusan Ferbas wrote:

I am using WinAVR-20071221, because none of the most recent toolchains produces a runnable code for our application.

Our bootloader starts at 0x3f800 (2kB).
In its code, we are using function[id](...) construction.
This is compiled with eicall instruction, but no EIND register is set. Is there a way, how to tell the compiler, that code is linked in upper half of flash ?
In bootloader code we can live with EIND=1 at its init.

But when we have a call from our application, neither EIND is set, even address is not divided by 2 (WinAVR bug #1959227).
Probably some far attribute should be applied ?
When compiled for ATmega128 (with 0x1f806), it works ...

typedef void boot_loader_init(unsigned  char *);
#define boot_loader_data_init ((boot_loader_init *) 0x3F806)

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