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Re: [avr-gcc-list] memcpy() : problem when passing destination pointer

From: Bernard Fouché
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] memcpy() : problem when passing destination pointer
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 11:08:10 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Weddington, Eric wrote:
IIRC it said volatile must be used to keep the compiler from optimizing
away access to a variable that he thinks might be pointless. Like
writing a variable that is never read back.

The way volatile was explained to me many years ago, is that a variable must be declared 
as "volatile" if it's value can be changed by something outside of the mainline 
code. This boils down to two use cases:
- A memory location that can be changed by hardware (i.e. a register)
- A memory location that can be changed by an interrupt service routine (ISR).

third case: if you use a multi-threaded operating system and a memory location is modified by at least one thread and read by other threads (one may also need a lock mechanism in such a case)

fourth case: nasty situations where 'volatile' is only a part of the solution but does not insure a correct result:

For instance if ISR1 and ISR2 are *nested* ISRs, IsrCounter does not correctly hold the count of interrupts:

volatile uint8_t IsrCounter;



Consider also memory locations larger than the MCU data processing unit size (8 bits for AVR).

The following code gives bad results on an AVR but works on a i386:

volatile uint32_t MilliSeconds;


   while(MilliSeconds < SOME_LIMIT) ...


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