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[avr-gcc-list] Re: FW: memcpy() : problem when passing destination point

From: David Brown
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Re: FW: memcpy() : problem when passing destination pointer
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 20:54:16 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Michael wrote:

In both of these cases, "volatile" is insufficient because it does
imply "atomic". In the first case, you need an atomic

read-modify-write, and in the second you need an atomic read of a
value. In both cases you can achieve that by enclosing the the
access in a cli-sei pair. For example, the latter case can be fixed
changing the routine to something like

main() // or "int main(void)", yada yada


uint32_t ms; // does not need to be volatile

do{ cli(); ms = Milliseconds; sei(); } while (ms < SOME_LIMIT);


No, you can not. You need the macros in util/atomic.h because cli /
are not memory barriers and accesses to variables done inside a pair

like that can be moved out by the compiler.

Just search the archives for previous discussions and examples...

Could a pair disabling a specific interrupt (rather than global
interrupts) also be susceptible to the compiler re-ordering it outside
the pair?
For instance, in this example I read a structure modified by a timer
ISR: ETIMSK &= ˜_BV(OCIE3A); memcpy(&tryconnect,&rtc,sizeof(struct datetime)); ETIMSK |= _BV(OCIE3A);

That will be safe (assuming the memcpy call accesses volatile data, or uses an external function call). The compiler will keep volatile accesses in order with each other, but may re-order non-volatile accesses or instructions around the volatile accesses. The sei() and cli() macros expand to a single assembly instruction, which does not involve a volatile memory access - therefore the compiler can re-order around them. The atomic.h macros include a "__asm__ volatile ("" ::: "memory")" memory barrier, which generates no code but counts as a volatile memory access, thus forcing an order on the accesses. Your specific interrupt disable is also a volatile access, so the code should be safe.

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