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Re: [avr-gcc-list] GCC 4.4.3 and AVR

From: Bingo
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] GCC 4.4.3 and AVR
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 21:13:35 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

Weddington, Eric wrote:
Please go to the AVR Freaks website (www.avrfreaks.net), on the AVR GCC Forum 
there is a sticky thread at the top that provides a working build script. IIRC 
it takes care of the patches you need.


Looking WINAVR project on sourceforge I saw a lot of patch for GCC 4.2.x: some are GCC related (bugs) and others new uC support.

Do I have to apply all or a subset ?

Why would you only want to apply a subset?

And what about binutils 2.20 ?

The one from the url above builds these versions

You can get .deb packages here


The avr-gcc-4.3.3-avrfreaks-25-feb-2010-special-static package , is build with the "winavr patches" from 2010 , and should run on both 32/64 bit system.

The *avr-gcc-4.3.4-avrfreaks-09-mar-2010 package , is build using the script from the url above. <http://www.wrightflyer.co.uk/avr-gcc/avr-gcc-4.3.4-avrfreaks-09-mar-2010.txt>
But isn't static linked , and would only work on 32 bit.

I build the system on an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS , but the versions seems to work on newer releases.
Especially the "static" version.


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