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[avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc with Autotools

From: Marcelo Politzer
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc with Autotools
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 16:03:04 -0300

Hi, I'm developing a lib with autotools for more than one avr MCU, and got stuck with the folowing situation:

I need to add a -mmcu corresponding to the correct mcu, and also add the diferent folders according to that,
currently I can make the configure recognize that Im building for AVR when I do a `./configure --host avr', the
ideal way for me would do it like `./configure --host avr --mcu atmega8' but that gives me an error.

In my makefile.am im using a entry that depends on that, like:

and it depends on that iformation.

My question is: how can I add a -mmcu at configure level, is it possible, or even worth it?

Thanks for your help.


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