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RE: [avrdude-dev] Mega163 problem

From: Egbert Jan
Subject: RE: [avrdude-dev] Mega163 problem
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 14:36:56 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joerg Wunsch [mailto:address@hidden 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:34 AM
> To: address@hidden
> Cc: Egbert Jan
> Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Mega163 problem
> As Egbert Jan wrote:
> > Thanks for this swift reply J"org! Same hobbies here!  Here is the 
> > -vvv log. As you can see it is the 5.2 version of avrdude.
> Sorry, -vvvv please.  That records the entire communication 
> with the STK500.  As I said, it's going to be huge, so please 
> trim the unrelated stuff from the top (AVR device details and such).

Added a 4th 'v'...
Here you go:
address@hidden demo]$ avrdude -c stk500v2 -P /dev/ttyS0 -p atmega163 -U
flash:w:demo.srec -vvvv

... blabla deleted
Previous commands succeeded; they returned the values as expected.
Next is the failing command (it is much longer than all previous

avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [0b] . [00] . [0c] . [0e] . [10] . [00] . [00] .
[00] . [00] . [00] . [00] . [00] . [ac] S [53] . [00] . [00] . [fd] 
avrdude: Recv: . [1b] 
avrdude: Recv: . [0b] 
avrdude: Recv: . [00] 
avrdude: Recv: . [02] 
avrdude: Recv: . [0e] 
avrdude: Recv: . [10] 
avrdude: Recv: . [c0] 
avrdude: Recv: . [cc] 
avrdude: stk500v2_command(): command failed
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
         Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
         this check.

avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [0c] . [00] . [03] . [0e] . [11] . [01] . [01] .
avrdude: Recv: . [1b] 
avrdude: Recv: . [0c] 
avrdude: Recv: . [00] 
avrdude: Recv: . [02] 
avrdude: Recv: . [0e] 
avrdude: Recv: . [11] 
avrdude: Recv: . [00] 
avrdude: Recv: . [0a] 

avrdude done.  Thank you.

address@hidden demo]$

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