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Re: Re: [avrdude-dev] some problems i found, STK600 will use different p

From: SimonQian
Subject: Re: Re: [avrdude-dev] some problems i found, STK600 will use different pp_controlstack in some parts
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 20:06:04 +0800

--> 1.While programming thru JTAG as AVRDragon or JTAGICE mkII,
--> AVRStudio will not send JTAGICE_CMND_RESET and
--> JTAGICE_CMND_GO. These 2 commands are used when debugging thru
--> JTAG. But avrdude will send these commands even when programming
--> thru JTAG.

>Supposedly, AVR Studio will at least send a CMND_RESET after asking
>the user if the JTAG initialization fails, so the ICE can pull the
>nSRST line.

>Anyway, the question here is: does it hurt that avrdude forces a
>reset/go?  At the very least, it provides the equivalent of what
>always happens in ISP mode (because ISP requires a target reset).

>Things are, of course, different for a debugger, so with AVaRICE, you
>can get away without a full target reset (option -C).

I just mention it, it really doesn't hurts.
But in fact, AVRStudio will not even send CMND_RESET while programming.

--> 2.I tested avrdude 5.5 and 5.3.1 and found programming speed is
--> faster under avrdude 5.3.1. I will make some futher tests.

>Yes, please do.

OK, further tests show it's NOT that 5.5 is faster than 5.3.1, it's that Cygwin 
is faster than FC8, 
maybe there's some problem with my FC8 or libusb.

And another test: avrdude vs avrstudio(same computer,same programmer,same 
programming speed setting)
command line with avrdude:time avrdude -p m128 -c dragon_isp -P usb -u -U 
command line with avrstudio:time ./AvrDragon.exe -d ATmega128 -e -s -pf -mi -vf 
-I X000000 -if test_124K.hex
AVR P&D(erase,write,read):
s(time in all)Avrdude 5.5AVRStudio 4.13 SP2 b571

files can be downloaded at 

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

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