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[Axiom-developer] Release?

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Release?
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:59:55 +0100

Dear Tim and all axiom-developers,

since there is such great progress on the MS Windows side -- as far as I
understand there is a working binary distribution, wouldn't it make sense to
announce a 1.0 release of axiom, just before Christmas?

I would ask you to apply the patches provided on savannah, those that I
submitted I am very confident of and they are somewhat tested, since I used the
concerned operations quite a bit. Some of them fix serious mathematical
problems, so I'd be concerned to release without them being applied.

If you and everybody else agrees, I'd favor a release in order to do a little
advertising -- also with respect to the bounties. 

Just before Christmas would be great, since I suspect that quite a lot of
people who have holidays might find a little time to try it out.

I listed some communities that I would inform on the MathAction Todolist. Of
course, this list is a result of "brainstorming", so it is not to be taken too
seriously. However, I would include the following points in an announcement:

* Axiom 1.0 is out. It is available for many major plattforms, including Linux
  and MS Windows. See

* It is very mature blablabla, work is in progress to implement features which
  are still missing. See 

* Bounties are offered to implement important new features.

(I argue for pamphlet support on MathAction -- this might attract some LaTeX
 gurus -- numerical integration and Aldor support. If there is agreement, maybe
 somebody could help with the pricing and the precise formulation)


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