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Re: [Axiom-developer] tex to mathml

From: Bob McElrath
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] tex to mathml
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 17:30:39 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060403

Arthur Ralfs address@hidden wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a tex to mathml program in C.  It's rudimentary and
> only meant to transform the stuff between the $$ signs that comes
> out of axiom so it can be displayed in firefox.  However it seems
> to work so I thought I should make it available in case someone
> was interested. 

Are you familiar with itex2mml?  It uses lex/yacc so ultimately it's a C
program.  I have an adaptation in python that I haven't released...

Do you have something working that displays axiom in firefox?

I think ultimately it's a better idea to get axiom to output mathml
directly, rather than insert yet-another translation layer (and
therefore, another layer of confusion and bugs) between the program and
the user.

> My question is what license I should use?  My first inclination is to
> use the GPL except that axiom is released under the BSD license.
> Does it make any difference?

How do you intend this to used WRT axiom?  Also remember that as the
author you're free to change the license later.  (But old versions will
still fall under old licenses...)  If you start accepting patches from
other people, it becomes difficult to change the license because
contributors generally contribute with an understanding of the current
license, and you'd have to get their permission to change licenses.

Bob McElrath [Univ. of California at Davis, Department of Physics]

    Only after you've tried to figure something out for yourself and
    failed are you ready to absorb "the answer."

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