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Re: [Axiom-developer] tex to mathml

From: Bob McElrath
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] tex to mathml
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 09:24:23 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060403

Arthur Ralfs address@hidden wrote:
> I wrote a wrapper in C which connects to axiom via pipes, basically
> copying what was done for Texmacs, and then setting up a listening
> socket.  Firefox connects through a trivial php script running under
> apache.  

What happened with the axiomui project, is axiom capable of serving its
interface over HTTP?  (or, any connection which can be convinced to be

> The firefox extension is written in xul and javascript.  I can access
> axiom this way by either entering a chrome url, which can just be a
> bookmark, or via the tools menu.  Here's the xul file (webax.xul):


> I can tar it up and email the works to you if you're eager to try it out.
> Might take me a day or two to get done.

I'm eager to see this kind of work proceeding, though I'm basically too
busy to do much myself.  :(

You might take a look at tiddlywiki with my jsmath plugin: which is a fairly
complex javascript application.  When I put together firefox with axiom,
I used an older version of tiddlywiki.  jsMath is okay for the time
being, but too slow for a serious math interface.  An XHTML plugin for
it was posted last week:

If you have a C tex->mathml converter, have you investigated making a
C++ firefox extension with it?

Attached is the web-based axiom interface I created.  You should just be
able to run ./fifo-axiom on a linux system.  (you need firefox
installed)  Perhaps it will give you some ideas...

Perhaps the SAGE people would like to look at this too...

Bob McElrath [Univ. of California at Davis, Department of Physics]

    Only after you've tried to figure something out for yourself and
    failed are you ready to absorb "the answer."

Attachment: moz-axiom.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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