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[Axiom-developer] Re: putting pamphlets on MathAction

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: putting pamphlets on MathAction
Date: 15 Sep 2006 10:26:41 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Dear Bill,

unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work yet. How can I make MathAction compile a

It seems that RECOP and the constructors in fffg.spad were compiled, but those
from mantepse weren't. Furthermore, I had to fix a typo in RECOP, but I didn't
manage to recompile it. Could you please try?

I put the things into the places were I feel they belong.

rec.spad is now linked from RecurrenceRelationOperator, fffg.spad from
FractionFreeFastGaussianElimination and mantepse.spad from

The pages Guess and SandBoxFFFG should be deleted.

Thanks a lot,


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