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Re: [Axiom-developer] typo in the guessing package pamphlet, was: Re: Al

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] typo in the guessing package pamphlet, was: Re: Algebra and literate documentation
Date: 08 Aug 2007 06:56:46 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Gabriel Dos Reis <address@hidden> writes:

> On Tue, 8 Aug 2007, Martin Rubey wrote:
> | Do you recall what went wrong at ISSAC?
> Many things :-)
> More specifically:
>  * short hand for unnamed functions do not work properly, so one has
>    to use the syntax x +-> f(x)

Could you tell me in what places that happens, and what "do not work properly"
means exactly?  I depend on unnamed functions quite a bit, since at a few
points I actually construct such functions by code.  I do recall vividly that
these functions were extremely hard to compile.

>  * the most recalcitrant was a package call to generalInterpolation()
>    from some.

I guess you mean the following snippet from mantepse.spad.pamphlet.  By the
way, where did you get the sources of the package from?  wh-sandbox?  They are
outdated, since I am thinking of releasing newer code - because of the fork and
history - only under the GPL.  In no model I am contemplating this concerns
bug fixes, however.  In particular, I am aware of one argument mismatch
wh-sandbox didn't complain about, which was reported on the list, I think it
concerned testInterpolant, which had "list" as parameter twice...

[[guessInterpolate]] calls the appropriate [[generalInterpolation]] from
[[FFFG]], for one vector of degrees, namely [[eta]].

<<implementation: Guess - guessInterpolate>>=
guessInterpolate(guessList: List SUP F, eta: List NNI, D: HPSPEC)
                : Matrix SUP S ==
    if F is S then 
        vguessList: Vector SUP S := vector(guessList pretend List(SUP(S)))
        generalInterpolation((D.C)(reduce(_+, eta)), D.A, 
                             vguessList, eta)$FFFG(S, SUP S)
    else if F is Fraction S then
        vguessListF: Vector SUP F := vector(guessList)
        generalInterpolation((D.C)(reduce(_+, eta)), D.A, 
                             vguessListF, eta)$FFFGF(S, SUP S, SUP F)

    else error "Type parameter F should be either equal to S or equal _
                to Fraction S"

[[guessInterpolate2]] calls the appropriate [[generalInterpolation]] from
[[FFFG]], for all degree vectors with given [[sumEta]] and [[maxEta]].

<<implementation: Guess - guessInterpolate2>>=
guessInterpolate2(guessList: List SUP F, 
                  sumEta: NNI, maxEta: NNI, 
                  D: HPSPEC): Stream Matrix SUP S ==
    if F is S then 
        vguessList: Vector SUP S := vector(guessList pretend List(SUP(S)))
        generalInterpolation((D.C)(sumEta), D.A, 
                             vguessList, sumEta, maxEta)
                            $FFFG(S, SUP S)
    else if F is Fraction S then
        vguessListF: Vector SUP F := vector(guessList)
        generalInterpolation((D.C)(sumEta), D.A, 
                             vguessListF, sumEta, maxEta)
                            $FFFGF(S, SUP S, SUP F)
    else error "Type parameter F should be either equal to S or equal _
                to Fraction S"

But I really cannot see what could go wrong here.  Please help!  Ideally, I'd
like to be able to reproduce the problems you experienced.

(I definitively want to have it in build-improvements!  In fact, I want to have
it in Gold, too.)


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