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Re: FYI: default %printer/%destructor

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: FYI: default %printer/%destructor
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 19:46:47 +0100

On 21 Nov 2006, at 19:30, Joel E. Denny wrote:

One of my worries, is what happens if one adds variables for token values and

To be more general, some day Bison might possibly need symbol attributes
other than semantic value and location.

Right. After reality preventing me from doing this stuff, I was just fiddling with getting my C++ parser working without having to tweak Bison itself. Then I arrived at the idea to perhaps put into the token values and names as parser features, along side with location. But my plan was to take up this idea later; it came up rather prematurely. So something else might come up in the future, though I do not know exactly what.

Suppose, just to focus on something, the latter have symbols #, %.
Then one would end up on combinations like:
  a(name1): b c() d(@#name2) e($#%name3)

I would prefer:

  a(name1): b c() d(@name2, #name2) e($name3, #name3, %name3)

That is, (name1) makes all attributes available. If you want a specific
subset, list the items in that subset.

Yes, we're back to the previous verbosity, but I think it's not terrible, I think it's better than ($#%name), and we appear to have no need for it
any time soon anyway.

I think that all that makes the grammar rues harder to read should be avoided. The often come out pretty dirty as it is. Though I do not know what is the best method might be. Also, it is good if the user as far as possible can avoid writing repetitions. So I think the idea above is good if one normally would use different names for the same stack position semantic, location, etc., values. But I suspect that is not going to be the case. So therefore, I think it is probably best to think OO: giving the parser stack position a name, and from that extract subfields, whatever the syntax may be.

  Hans Aberg

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