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[Bubblemon-list] Re: Bubblemon problem

From: Johan Walles
Subject: [Bubblemon-list] Re: Bubblemon problem
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 17:17:24 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210

Try "free -m" and look at the middle row (the one starting with "-/+ buffers/cache"), that should give you the same values as bubblemon. If you want to find what process is using up your memory, you could try running "top" and pressing shift-M to sort the processes by memory usage.

If you want to know exactly how Bubblemon is measuring memory, read FAQ#6 at:


... or in /usr/share/doc/bubblemon.

  Cheers //Johan

Chris Gonnerman wrote:
OK, I lied.  It's not a problem with Bubblemon.  Not exactly...

According to Bubblemon, my SuSE 8.0 system upgraded to
GNOME 2.0 is leaking memory.  When I restart, log in, and
look at Bubblemon while idling, it says something like 54 Mb
is used, but after a couple of days it's up to 80-90 Mb.

This isn't your problem; I'm just looking for a way to track
down what program is leaking memory.  How does Bubblemon
arrive at the figure of memory used?  I've tried

   ps -eo pid,pmem,args

but the total of the memory column seems to be nonsense.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

-- Chris.

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