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Re: [Bug-apl] Substring replacement in APL

From: Christian Robert
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Substring replacement in APL
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 20:57:09 -0400
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An other way to do that, written some time ago:

      ⎕cr 'Replace'
z←Line Replace patterns;f;t;P;pos
⍝ Check what is effectively `Line`
→((≡Line)≥2)/Enclosed             ⍝ Line is an Enclose of things
→(2=⍴⍴Line)/Matrix                ⍝ Line is a Matrix

⍝ Do the job, single vector source, an even number of changes

patterns←,¨patterns               ⍝ Convert scalar to vector
z←,Line                           ⍝ I only work on vectors
Main: →(0=⍴patterns)/0            ⍝ No more replace to do, so done.
  (f t)←2↑patterns                ⍝ Get the 'from' and 'to'
  patterns←2↓patterns             ⍝ drop 2 from the list
  P←⌽(∧/[1](¯1+⍳⍴f)⌽f∘.=z)/⍳⍴z    ⍝ get the pos where string is found, reverse 
  Loop: →(0=⍴P)/Main              ⍝ Until there is none
    pos←1↑P                       ⍝ get the pos
    P←1↓P                         ⍝ drop from future
    z←((pos-1)↑z),t,(¯1+pos+⍴f)↓z ⍝ Do substitution
    →Loop                         ⍝ Until no more

⍝ Special case, an enclosed of things

Enclosed:                         ⍝
  z←{⍵ Replace patterns}¨Line     ⍝ Do for each

⍝ Special case, a matrix of hopefully characters

Matrix:                           ⍝ Do for each line of the Matrix and reshape 
the result
  z←((1↑⍴Line),1)⍴{⍵ Replace patterns}¨⊂[2]Line

And some examples:

      'foobartestfootest' Replace 'foo' 'xy' 'st' 'ST' 'te' 'et' 'S' 's' 'T' 'x'

     (⎕cr 'Replace') Replace 'Loop' 'Boucle' 'Main' 'Principal'
 z←Line Replace patterns;f;t;P;pos
 ⍝ Check what is effectively `Line`
 →((≡Line)≥2)/Enclosed             ⍝ Line is an Enclose of things
 →(2=⍴⍴Line)/Matrix                ⍝ Line is a Matrix

 ⍝ Do the job, single vector source, an even number of changes

 patterns←,¨patterns               ⍝ Convert scalar to vector
 z←,Line                           ⍝ I only work on vectors
 Principal: →(0=⍴patterns)/0            ⍝ No more replace to do, so done.
   (f t)←2↑patterns                ⍝ Get the 'from' and 'to'
   patterns←2↓patterns             ⍝ drop 2 from the list
   P←⌽(∧/[1](¯1+⍳⍴f)⌽f∘.=z)/⍳⍴z    ⍝ get the pos where string is found, reverse 
   Boucle: →(0=⍴P)/Principal              ⍝ Until there is none
     pos←1↑P                       ⍝ get the pos
     P←1↓P                         ⍝ drop from future
     z←((pos-1)↑z),t,(¯1+pos+⍴f)↓z ⍝ Do substitution
     →Boucle                         ⍝ Until no more

 ⍝ Special case, an enclosed of things

 Enclosed:                         ⍝
   z←{⍵ Replace patterns}¨Line     ⍝ Do for each

 ⍝ Special case, a matrix of hopefully characters

 Matrix:                           ⍝ Do for each line of the Matrix and reshape 
the result
   z←((1↑⍴Line),1)⍴{⍵ Replace patterns}¨⊂[2]Line


On 2016-04-12 06:39, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
I had a need to to replace substrings with a replacement, and I'm having a hard 
time coming up with an concise solution. What I need to do is this:

       'foobartestfootest' replace 'foo' 'xy'

Should yield:


Any suggestions?


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