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[Bug-AUCTeX] 11.86; TeX-source-correlate-determine-method doesn't find L

From: Christoph LANGE
Subject: [Bug-AUCTeX] 11.86; TeX-source-correlate-determine-method doesn't find LuaTeX 0.70's --synctex
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 08:50:03 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120720 Thunderbird/14.0

Dear AUCTeX developers,

sorry, once more, the right way.

When TeX-source-correlate-determine-method in tex.el performs a (string-match "^[ ]*-synctex" ...) against the output of "lualatex --help", it doesn't find the "synctex" option.

This is because the LuaTeX output is different:

--- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< ---
$ lualatex --version
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.1-2012081406


$ lualatex --help


  The following regular options are understood:

   --synctex=NUMBER              enable synctex
--- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< ---

So the regular expression should be changed to "^[ ]*-?-synctex".

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.1.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.2.4)
 of 2012-06-14 on CLANGE-x220t
Package: 11.86

current state:
 AUCTeX-date "2010-02-21"
 window-system 'x
 LaTeX-version "2e"
 TeX-style-path '("/var/lib/auctex" "/usr/share/emacs/etc/auctex/style"
"/home/clange/.emacs.d/auctex/auto" "/home/clange/.emacs.d/auctex/style" "auto"
 TeX-auto-save t
 TeX-parse-self t
 TeX-master t
TeX-command-list '(("LaTeX" "%`%l --jobname=%s %(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode doctex-mode)
                     :help "Run LaTeX")
("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil (plain-tex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help "Run plain TeX") ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %t" TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-mode) :help
                     "Run Makeinfo with Info output")
("Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-mode) :help
                     "Run Makeinfo with HTML output")
("AmSTeX" "%(PDF)amstex %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil (ams-tex-mode)
                     :help "Run AMSTeX")
("ConTeXt" "texexec --once --texutil %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode)
                     :help "Run ConTeXt once")
("ConTeXt Full" "texexec %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode) :help
                     "Run ConTeXt until completion")
("BibTeX" "bibtex %s" TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help "Run BibTeX") ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard-or-function t t :help "Run Viewer") ("Print" "%p" TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file") ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background nil t :help "View the printer queue" :visible
("File" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-command t t :help "Generate PostScript file") ("Index" "makeindex %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Create index file") ("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) :help
                     "Check LaTeX file for correctness")
("Spell" "(TeX-ispell-document \"\")" TeX-run-function nil t :help
                     "Spell-check the document")
                    ("Clean" "TeX-clean" TeX-run-function nil t :help
                     "Delete generated intermediate files")
("Clean All" "(TeX-clean t)" TeX-run-function nil t :help
                     "Delete generated intermediate and output files")
("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help "Run an arbitrary command") ("Biber" "biber %s" TeX-run-Biber nil t :help "Run Biber"))



Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701

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