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bug#21484:; reftex-extra-bindings is ignored

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: bug#21484:; reftex-extra-bindings is ignored
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 15:45:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> "Tassilo" == Tassilo Horn <address@hidden> writes:

   > Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> writes:
   >>> It does for me, but this variable must be set to t before reftex is
   >>> loaded.  Does that solve the issue?
   >> Hm, I have set it now using defcustom, but then I am not sure whether
   >> reftex is already loaded?

   > Then it depends on what's before your `custom-set-variables' form in
   > your ~/.emacs.  If there's (require 'reftex) or something else which
   > causes reftex to be loaded before, then the setting won't have an
   > effect.  You can test, e.g., by adding

Now I am confused by the use of the word *before*: you write 

   Tassilo> It does for me, but this variable must be set to t *before* reftex 
   Tassilo> loaded.  Does that solve the issue?

But also

   Tassilo> Then it depends on what's before your `custom-set-variables' form in
   Tassilo> your ~/.emacs.  If there's (require 'reftex) or something else which
   Tassilo> causes reftex to be loaded *before*, then the setting *won't* have 
   Tassilo> effect.

So how is the order? First load reftex then set the variable (as I would
expect it to be the case) or the other way around? That concerns normal
setting via setq.

I really never understood the idea of defcustom, that is how does it
control to load the required libraries at the right moment.

I also don't understand that if I am in auctex buffer with reftex
enabled, the variable is set to t, but no binding and reseting reftex
does not help neither.

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