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bug#21484:; reftex-extra-bindings is ignored

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: bug#21484:; reftex-extra-bindings is ignored
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 16:44:00 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> writes:

>    > Then it depends on what's before your `custom-set-variables' form in
>    > your ~/.emacs.  If there's (require 'reftex) or something else which
>    > causes reftex to be loaded before, then the setting won't have an
>    > effect.  You can test, e.g., by adding
> Now I am confused by the use of the word *before*: you write 
>    Tassilo> It does for me, but this variable must be set to t *before* 
> reftex is
>    Tassilo> loaded.  Does that solve the issue?
> But also
>    Tassilo> Then it depends on what's before your `custom-set-variables' form 
> in
>    Tassilo> your ~/.emacs.  If there's (require 'reftex) or something else 
> which
>    Tassilo> causes reftex to be loaded *before*, then the setting *won't* 
> have an
>    Tassilo> effect.
> So how is the order? First load reftex then set the variable (as I
> would expect it to be the case) or the other way around? That concerns
> normal setting via setq.

The other way round.  The variable must be set before reftex is loaded
because its value is used during load of reftex.  If the variable is t
at load-time, then the extra bindings are added to `reftex-mode-map'
otherwise that code is skipped.

> I really never understood the idea of defcustom, that is how does it
> control to load the required libraries at the right moment.

It doesn't by itself but it gives developers a way to do something when
a variable is set thru customize.  But such features aren't used for

> I also don't understand that if I am in auctex buffer with reftex
> enabled, the variable is set to t, but no binding

As I've said above, the variable's value is only considered when
reftex.el is loaded.  Afterwards it can have any value you like, it
won't have any effect.

> and reseting reftex does not help neither.

What is resetting?


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