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arm-elf-gdb (insight) -- issue with finish command (in Thumb mode)

From: Michael Anburaj
Subject: arm-elf-gdb (insight) -- issue with finish command (in Thumb mode)
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 09:53:46 -0800 (PST)


I see this weird behavior with arm-elf-gdb -w
(insight) while issuing the “finish” command within a
particular ‘while’ loop compiled in thumb mode. 

Target hardware: ARM7TDMI-S with Redboot in the Flash 
Development platform : Windows/Cgywin 
Compilation flags: -g -O0 
Code is built for Thumb mode & loaded at free RAM

The source for this test program includes a c file
(Thumb mode) containing the code listed below & a .S
(ARM mode) that has the entry point, which just
initializes the sp & branch to entry_func. 
I load the elf image using “remote target /dev/com1” &
then set breakpoints within entry_func at the
following statements: function call to func1() & the
After the code breaks at the 1st breakpoint, I
step-into the function ‘func1' & then into func4. Then
I issue ‘finish’ commands, 1st finish takes me back to
func1 at the while & the following 3 ‘finish’ commands
execute the while & after the 3rd time the code breaks
at the while(1) in entry_func. Which is because gdb
issues a ‘$c’ <for continue – from the remote-log>
without setting a breakpoint (UNDEF instruction) at
address following ‘bl func1' at entry_func. 

Why?? Idealy the very 1st time I issue the 'finish' at
func1 it should have executed the while loop 3 times &
should have broken at the caller 'entry_func'.

Where as the same code built for ARM mode works


///////////// Code ///////////////// 

volatile int ii; 

void func4() 
ii = ii+2; 

void func1() 
int k=0; 


void func2() 
ii += 3; 

void func3() 
ii += 4; 

void entry_func(void) 





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