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Re: gnatsweb problems

From: Joel Smith
Subject: Re: gnatsweb problems
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 09:14:37 -0600 (MDT)
User-agent: IMP/PHP IMAP webmail program 2.2.6

Well, I figured that I ought to enlighten the list regarding the nature of my
problem, so that if anyone else made the same stupid mistake as I did, they
might have an easier time figuring it out when searching the list archives.  The
issue was with the CGI.pm version.  My CGI.pm version was old, so I wandered
over to CPAN and grabbed the newest version, which was an alpha, unstable
version (v3.something).  I didn't even notice this, though, and proceded to
upgrade.  Several things weren't working in the newer version, like quoteHTML
and one of the error functions that is called early in the script.  Anyway, I
realized what was going on, installed version 2.77 of CGI.pm, and everything
works perfectly now!

To all the maintainers of tkGnats, gnatsweb and gnats, I say thanks for good

Joel Smith

Quoting Joel Smith <js-gnats@jk1.net>:

> Hello,
> I just installed Gnats, tkGnats and gnats web at my site.  Gnats and
> tkGnats seem to work fine.  I can submit PRs, query them and edit them
> with no problems.  With gnatsweb, however, there are serious problems.
> When I query for PRs, all the mathing PRs are shown, however all the 
> filds are completely blank except for the PR number field.  After 
> selecting a PR to view or edit, all the fields with the exception of
> "Reporter's email" are completely blank.  Oh, and "How-to-Repeat" has 
> "55" off to the side of it.  Here are the versions of software that I have:
> Gnatsweb v2.8.2
> Gnats v3.113.1
> tkGnats 3.0.16
> Is this a gnatsweb bug?  I've gone over the configuration again and
> again, and everything seems right, especially since everything is 
> working for tkGnats.  Oh, and Gnatsweb and Gnats are on the same 
> box - RedHat 6.1

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