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\context ChordNames prints out spurious error message

From: Andras Cser
Subject: \context ChordNames prints out spurious error message
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 18:57:11 -0700 (PDT)


excuse me if this is something of a newbie question.
I like lilypond a lot, this is a nice piece of software.
I have a problem however.
I am using lilypond 1.3.94 and followed the install
instructions on the website. I get the same error message
under Solaris 7 and RedHat linux 6.0 when I try 
ly2dvi river.ly
(river.ly is the example from the documentation.
I understand that it sometimes needs to be fixed, but I am
trying to typeset guitar music as well where chordnames are

Here's the error message I get:

Script started on Fri Oct  6 21:45:29 2000
address@hidden lily]$ ly2dvi river.ly
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.3.93
executing: lilypond  river.ly 2>&1
GNU LilyPond 1.3.93.
Now processing: `river.ly'
Interpreting music...
MIDI output to river.midi...
Track ... 

Interpreting music...
river.ly:22:9: warning: Junking request: `Rest_req':
         2:3- f:3-.7 d:min es4 c8:min r8

river.ly:23:9: warning: Junking request: `Rest_req':
         2:min f:min7 g:7^3.5 c:min }
Preprocessing elements... 
Calculating column positions... ERROR: In procedure car in
expression (car tonic):
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1: quote
ly2dvi: LilyPond failed: lilypond  river.ly 2>&1
address@hidden lily]$

And here's the river.ly file:

---- cut here ----
\header {
        title = "The river is flowing";
        composer = "Traditional (?)";
\include "paper16.ly"
melody = \notes \relative c' {
        \partial 8;
        \key c \minor;
        g8 |
        c4 c8 d [es () d] c4 | f4 f8 g [es() d] c g |
        c4 c8 d [es () d] c4 | d4 es8 d c4.
        \bar "|.";

text = \lyrics {
        The ri -- ver is flo- __ wing, flo -- wing and gro
-- wing, the
        ri -- ver is flo -- wing down to the sea.

accompaniment =\chords {
        c2:3- f:3-.7 d:min es4 c8:min r8
        c2:min f:min7 g:7^3.5 c:min }

\score {
        \simultaneous {
%              \accompaniment

% I am using lilypond 1.3.94 with python 1.5 and guile 1.4,
but the problem happens with
% guile 1.3.4 and python 1.5.2 as well
% Comment out the next line to get rid of the error message
               \context ChordNames \accompaniment

               \context Staff = mel {
                    \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
                    \property Staff.automaticMelismata =
                \context Lyrics \text
         \midi  { \tempo 4=72;}
         \paper { linewidth = 10.0\cm; }
---- cut here ----

Note: the problem does not happen with Win32
MikTeX + lilypond 1.3.46 (stable download) distribution.

Your help and/or any pointers are greatly appreciated. 


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