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Bad spanners

From: Laurent Martelli
Subject: Bad spanners
Date: 24 Feb 2001 14:19:23 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

I'm using Lily 1.3.129, and the crescendo and decrescendo spanners
start just after the first note, and end just before the last note. It
results in ridiculously small `<' and `>' if there are only 2 notes
and they are very close to each other.

Here's an exemple. In the second bar, the crescendo is just a vertical

I think that the spanners should (or at least should be able to) start
on the left of the first note, and end on the right of the last note.

patternA = \notes \relative c'' {
  c4( \cr  b \rc \> \! )c g-. |
$ex1 = \notes {
  \property Staff.instrument = #(make-instr-name 1)
  \time 4/4;

  \transpose d' { \patternA }
  \transpose e' { \patternA }
  \transpose d' { \patternA }
  \relative c''  { a4(_\$f3 gis_\$f3 _\$f2 )a_\$f3 d-. | }
  \relative c'' { g4( fis )g c-. | b( ais )b d-. | c1 || \linebreak 
    f4( e_\$f1 _\$f2 )f g-. | e( dis ) e c-. | a( gis )a c-. | e( dis )e cis-. 
    d!( cis )d g-. | fis( eis )fis a,-. | d( cis )d fis,-. | g gis a b | 

    c( b )c g-. | d'(cis )d g,-. | e'( dis )e a,-. | d( cis )d f,-. | 
    a( gis )a d,-. | g!( fis ) g c-. | g( ais )b d-. | c1 \repos \linebreak

\score { \context Staff { \notes { \$ex1 } } }

Laurent Martelli
address@hidden              http://www.linuxfan.com/~laurent

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