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Re: #155150: diff -u displays unnecessary zeros after the seconds (fwd)

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: #155150: diff -u displays unnecessary zeros after the seconds (fwd)
Date: 02 Aug 2002 10:08:44 +0900

Paul Eggert <address@hidden> writes:
> Better would be to add a "--time-style" option to diff, like "ls
> --time-style".  The current diff default would then correspond to
> --time-style=full-iso.

I thought that the ISO standard just specified `a variable number of digits'
after the decimal point (those are scare quotes, BTW, not quote quotes).

So why not just put `.0' for systems with second-precision, and specify
that anyone who wants to extract the time info from patch files should
treat the sub-second info as a number?  That would retain the usefulness
of the format without being annoying.  [Since the variable-width part
is a fraction at the end, it would even remain lexically comparable in
most cases.]

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 But they also destroy the environment, to an extent so drastic that
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