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Re: [Bug-gnubg] Crash when generating 2-sided db

From: Holger
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] Crash when generating 2-sided db
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 16:31:04 +0100

At 15:03 12.12.2002 +0000, Joern Thyssen wrote:
>It's hard to say what goes wrong if I can't see a dump analysis with

I'm in the process of debugging.

So far I can tell that it crashes here:

    fprintf ( stderr,
              _("Two-sided database:\n"
                "Number of points             : %12d\n"
                "Number of chequers           : %12d\n"
                "Calculate equities           : %s\n"
                "Write header                 : %s\n"
                "Number of one-sided positions: %12d\n"
                "Total number of positions    : %12d\n"
                "Size of resulting file       : %12lld bytes (%lld MB)\n"
                "Size of hash                 : %12d bytes\n"
                "Reuse old bearoff database   : %s %s\n"),
              nTSP, nTSC,
              fCubeful ? _("cubeless and cubeful") : _("cubeless only"),
              fHeader ? _("yes") : ("no"),
              n * n,
              l,l >> 20,
              szOldBearoff ? "yes" : "no",
              szOldBearoff ? szOldBearoff : "" );

I've commented out the above statement. Then it runs through.

I just don't know yet which variable doesn't coincide with the format.


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