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[Bug-gnubg] Time controls added on main branch

From: Stein Kulseth
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] Time controls added on main branch
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:43:14 +0200
User-agent: Opera7.20/Linux M2 build 449

I have merged in the time control code on the main branch. All changes should be protected with #if USE_TIMECONTROL, so the less adventuorous minded should not experience any change.

Configure with --with-timecontrol to enable.

I have also started looking into saving/loading with time info, and have been able to save
one (1) match and load it again without segfault or obvious errors...

Added to sgf spec:
move properties WX and BX, which awards extra points to the w or b player during the game.
   it expects just an integer parameter. ex:
I always interpret it as a clock penalty, if we want it to cater to other situations - eg. points being awarded as penalty for other irregularities - then the property should perhaps also include a string describing reason for awarding the point, like W[1time].

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