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[Bug-gnupress] Typos in Using GCC, pages 31-34

From: Lisa M. Opus Goldstein
Subject: [Bug-gnupress] Typos in Using GCC, pages 31-34
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 16:49:45 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

I spent a fair amount of time on just the first 4 pages of section 3
and produced the following report.  Before I spend much more time on
it, I want to make sure that I am doing it in a useful format.  Unless
I use ellipses, I am copying the full line as it appears in the

please feel free to send format suggestions before I do the next batch.


Section 3, pages 31-34.

pg. 31,  third bulleted item:
I am not a C programmer, so I am not completely sure if this item is
incorrect or not:

orig: template template parameters can be mangled incorrectly.

suggested fix: template parameters which can be used incorrectly.
(Please check to make sure this makes sense in the programming context)

pg 31, last line of third bulleted item:

orig: Instantiations of these templates may be mangled incorrectly.

suggested fix:  ? (I have no idea what the first word is trying to mean.)

pg 31, definition for -Wctor-dtor-privacy, 1st line

orig: Warn when a class seems unusable, because all the constructors

suggested fix: remove comma between the words "unusable" and "because".

pg 31, definition for -Wctor-dtor-privacy, 2nd line

orig: destructors in a class are private and the class has no friends or public

suggested fixes: change "a class" to "that class" (specific, not general)
                 add a comma after "private" and before "and"
                 change "no friends or public" to "neither friends nor public"

pg 31, definition for -Wnon-virtual-dtor

The whole definition is a confusing run-on sentence with odd
clause-usage.  Needs to be rewritten, but I don't understand the
meaning enough to know how to do it.  

pg. 31, Second to last sentence on page.

orig: Here the computer will warn ... of the members.

suggested fix: Uses the future-tense "will" twice, unlike other
entries which are grounded in the present tense.

Also, confused by usage of second "will".  Who is doing the
re-ordering?  The computer?  Will the compiler fix the problem for the
programmer?  Or will he need to physically change the code himself?
Very unclear who the actor is.  If programmer, maybe use "must be
rearranged" to show the person needs to take action.

pg. 32, In the middle of the -Weffc++ definition

orig: and about violations of the following style guidelines from...

suggested fix: Also include violation warnings of the following ...

 pg. 32, last paragraph in -Weffc++ definition

orig: If you use this option, you should be aware that the standard library

suggested fixes: When selecting this option, be aware that the standard library
Also, can eliminate "you can" in the next line with no change in meaning.

pg 32, -Wno-non-template-friend definition, 2nd line

orig:  within a template.  With the advent of specific ...

suggested fix: Replace "With the advent" with "Since the advent".
*Much* more time specific, making the rest of the passage much

pg 32, same definition, fourth line from the bottom of the paragraph.

remove the comma at the very end of the line, between "spots" and
"and".  Not needed.

pg. 32, -Wold-style-casts definition, second-to-last line

orig:  ... unintended effects, and much

suggested fix:  ... unintended effects and are much

pg. 33, first English sentence:

orig: the A class version of f is hidden in B, and code like this:

suggested fix:  ... and code like:  [eliminate "this"]

pg. 33, definition for -Wno-pmf-conversions

Symmetry problem... lists three nouns, only puts "a" before two of
them.  So, "to member function" should become "to a member function"

pg 33, definition for -Wsign-promo

Suggest inserting comma on second line to help clarify order of action
in long sentence.  Insert comma between "... a signed type" and "over
a conversion ..."

pg 33, Section 3.6, 2nd line.

orig: Gratuitous semicolon between "Objective-C programs; but you can..."

Suggested fix: Change to simple comma.  Objective-C programs, but you can...

pg 33, Section 3.6, 5th English line. (start of second English section)

Orig: In this example, only '-fgnu-runtime' is an option meant only for ...
                       ^^^^                                    ^^^^   
suggested fix: remove one of the two "only".  Not sure which one
should be removed; depends on emphasis needed.

pg 33, Section 3.6, 7th English line. (start of third  English section)

Formatting/Spacing problem.  This is the start of a new
paragraph/section?  Should be more space between the 6th line
beginning "grams; you can use..." and the indented 7th line beginning
with "Here is a list of options..."

pg 34, -Wno-protocol definition, 4th line down

orig: plicitly implemented in the class , even if a method implementation

The article "a" in "a method implementation" seems strange.  Is this
correct?  Should it be "an implementation method"?

pg 34, -Wselector definition, 4th line down

orig:  is performed that for each selector ...

suggested fix: remove "that"

pg 34, -Wselector definition, 5th line down

orig: expression, a corresponding method with that ...

suggested fix: expression, and a corresponding method for that ...
                       add ^^^                change ^^^

pg 34, -Wselector definition, 3rd line from bottom of paragraph

orig: ... is not reached, for example because an error

suggested fix:  ... is not reached, such as when an error

pg 34, -Wundeclared-selector definition, second whole sentence

orig: A selector is considered undeclared if ... before the @ selector
(...)  expression. [lines 2 through 5]

suggested fix: A selector is considered undeclared if no method with
that name has been declared before the @ selector (...) expression,
either explicitly in an @interface or @protocol declaration, or
implicitly in an @implementation section.

pg 34, -Wundeclared-selector definition, lines 6 & 7

remove "()" around clause (while -Wselector .. of
compilation). Parentheses not needed. Instead, insert a comma before
"while -Wselector..." begins.

pg 34, -Wundeclared-selector definition, 3rd line from bottom of paragraph

orig: ... in the final stages of compilation), and so additionally
enforces the coding ...

suggested fix: ... in the final stages of compilation.  This also 
enforces the coding ...

pg 34, Section 3.7, last 2 lines

orig two lines: ... However it is expected, in the near
future, that the remaining front ends would be able ...

suggested fix:   ...However, it is expected in the near
                       add ^        remove ^
future that the remaining front ends will be able ...
remove^                       change ^^^

Lisa M. Goldstein           address@hidden
Managing Editor, GNU Press  www.gnupress.org
Business Manager,           Tel 617-542-5942
Free Software Foundation    Fax 617-542-2652

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