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[bug #24111] NetBSD Unable to detach thread

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: [bug #24111] NetBSD Unable to detach thread
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:02:41 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.9 (like Gecko) SUSE

Follow-up Comment #11, bug #24111 (project gnustep):

On OpenBSD i seem to have the same problem, usually -lpthread is used.

I checked the system libobjc, a ldd only shows me this:

ldd /usr/lib/libobjc.so.4.0
        Start    End      Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
        0e4d9000 2e4df000 dlib 1    0   0      /usr/lib/libobjc.so.4.0

but I find pthread related symbols in it:
# nm libobjc.so.4.0  | grep -i thre
000097d8 T __objc_close_thread_system
00009770 T __objc_init_thread_system
2000217c D __objc_is_multi_threaded
200027d4 D __objc_runtime_threads_alive
00009824 T __objc_thread_detach
00004838 t __objc_thread_detach_function
00009894 T __objc_thread_exit
20002178 D __objc_thread_exit_status
00009904 T __objc_thread_get_data
0000986c T __objc_thread_get_priority
000098b4 T __objc_thread_id
000098d0 T __objc_thread_set_data
00009860 T __objc_thread_set_priority
00009878 T __objc_thread_yield
20002180 D _objc_became_multi_threaded
20005bc4 b _objc_thread_attribs
20005bc0 b _objc_thread_storage
00004814 T objc_set_thread_callback
00004dc8 T objc_thread_add
000048ec T objc_thread_detach
000049e0 T objc_thread_exit
00004a5c T objc_thread_get_data
000049a8 T objc_thread_get_priority
00004a20 T objc_thread_id
00004e0c T objc_thread_remove
00004a3c T objc_thread_set_data
00004988 T objc_thread_set_priority
000049c4 T objc_thread_yield
         U pthread_attr_destroy
         U pthread_attr_init
         U pthread_attr_setdetachstate
         U pthread_cond_broadcast
         U pthread_cond_destroy
         U pthread_cond_init
         U pthread_cond_signal
         U pthread_cond_wait
         U pthread_create
         U pthread_exit
         U pthread_getspecific
         U pthread_key_create
         U pthread_key_delete
         U pthread_mutex_destroy
         U pthread_mutex_init
         U pthread_mutex_lock
         U pthread_mutex_trylock
         U pthread_mutex_unlock
         U pthread_self
         U pthread_setspecific

so I guess it should support threading.


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